Radost Evrope

RADOST EVROPE – Međunarodni susret dece Evrope

Igra, pesma, drugarstvo, razumevanje drugog i drugačijeg, dečije stvaralastvo, sinonimi su za “Radost Evrope”, susret dece Evrope koji svake godine okuplja decu od 7 – 15 godina.

Davne 1968. godine, Redakcija “Susreti četvrtkom” tadašnjeg Doma pionira, a danas Dečjeg kulturnog centra Beograd, pokrenula je inicijativu kod nadležnih organa grada Beograda da se organizuje međunarodna dečja manifestacija pod nazivom “Radost Evrope”, kojom će biti obeležen 5. oktobar – Svetski dan deteta.


Početkom svakog oktobra, beogradski mališani u svojim porodicama ugoste više stotina vršnjaka iz cele Evrope koji sobom donose zvuk, pokret, sliku, običaje svoje zemlje i različita umeća koja, tokom šest dana programa, pokažu na trgovima, ulicama i u dvoranama Beograda.


Karneval u centru grada, Susreti prijateljstava, Međunarodni likovni konkurs sa svojom zavrsnom izložbom, zabavni program na Adi Ciganliji, Gala koncert u Sava Centru i velika zajednička žurka programski su segmenti Manifestacije koji obogate svake godine kulturnu ponudu grada, a deci pruže pregršt mogućnosti za zabavu i druženje.

Uloga porodice i škola dece domaćina nemerljiva je za organizaciju manifestacije, ali i za stvaranje finih niti trajnog povezivanja. Skoro da nema zemlje u Evropi čija deca nisu bila učesnici manifestacije “Radost Evrope”. O manifestaciji je snimljen i dokumentarni film “Radost Evrope” u produkciji DKCB-a, koji je više puta emitovan na beogradskim televizijama.

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JOY OF EUROPE – International Gathering of Children of Europe

Dance, song, friendship, understanding others and those among us who are different, children’s artwork – these are all synonyms for the Joy of Europe, a traditional annual gathering of children from Europe aged between 7 and 15.

Back in 1968, the staff of Meetings on Thursdays of the then Pioneer’s Centre, today’s Children’s Cultural Centre Belgrade, launched an initiative with the authorities of the City of Belgrade to organise international children’s gathering event called Joy of Europe in order to celebrate October 5th – International Child’s Day.


Early each October, families of Belgrade’s children welcome several hundred peers from all over Europe, who bring sound, movement, image, their countries’ customs and various other skills, which, in the course of the next six days, are presented in Belgrade’s squares, streets and venues.

The Carnival in the city centre, Meetings For Friendship, International Art Competition with its closing exhibition, entertainment program at Ada Ciganlija, Gala Concert in the Sava Centre and a big party for everyone afterwards are all part of the program which makes the city’s cultural offer richer every year, and provide children with a lot of opportunities for having fun and spending time together.

The role of families and schools in hosting children is immeasurable for the event’s organisation, but also for weaving fine threads of permanent bonding. There is almost no country in Europe whose children did not participate in the Joy of Europe. Children’s Cultural Centre Belgrade produced an eponymous documentary about the event which was shown several times on Belgrade television stations.

Source: DKCB